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Showing items filed under “Christian Living”

What Kind of Worship Does God Deserve? Understanding True Biblical Worship

February 3, 2025 | Blog | The Way of Life Church 

What kind of Worship Does God Deserve? Understanding True Biblical Worship


When we think about worship, we often limit it to singing songs or praying at church. However, true biblical worship goes far beyond these activities and encompasses our entire lives. What is True Worship According to Romans 12:1? The Apostle Paul urges believers to "present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship." This reveals that authentic worship involves offering our entire selves to God - not just during church services, but in everything we do.

Why Should We Offer Our Lives as Worship?

Our worship should be a response to God's mercies. Before the foundation of the world, God chose us and loved us, knowing we would be sinners in need of salvation. He sent His Son to die for us while we were still in our sins. These incredible mercies deserve our complete devotion in return.

What Does Living Sacrifice Mean?

Being a living sacrifice means:

  • Dedicating every aspect of our lives to God
  • Making intentional choices that honor Him
  • Using our bodies, time, and resources for His purposes
  • Living holy lives that are acceptable to Him
How is This Different from Old Testament Sacrifice?

In the Old Testament, sacrifices served three main purposes:

  • Atoning for sin (which Jesus fulfilled completely)
  • Expressing fellowship with God
  • Showing gratitude to God

As New Testament believers, we no longer need sacrifices for sin, but we should still express fellowship and gratitude through offering our lives to God daily.

What Makes This Worship "Reasonable"?

The Greek word "logicos" (translated as "spiritual" or "reasonable") indicates this type of worship makes rational sense in light of God's mercies. When we truly understand what God has done for us, offering our lives in return is the only logical response.

Life Application

This week, consider these challenges:

  • Examine your life daily and identify at least one way you can offer yourself as a living sacrifice to God
  • Reflect each evening on how well you lived as a sacrifice that day

Ask yourself:

  • Am I giving God my best or just leftover time and energy?
  • Does my use of time, money, and relationships reflect gratitude for His mercies?
  • What areas of my life am I still holding back from God?

Remember: We don't worship to earn God's blessings, but He does bless what we do for Him. When we live as living sacrifices, we experience more peace, joy, and contentment because we're properly oriented toward Him rather than ourselves.

Posted by Chris Clemons with

Understanding True Worship: Avoiding the Trap of False Idols

January 13, 2025 | Blog | The Way of Life Church 

Understanding True Worship: Avoiding the Trap of False Idols


In our pursuit of faith and worship, we can sometimes find ourselves worshiping things other than God - creating idols that take His rightful place in our lives. This exploration of Romans 1:18-25 reveals important truths about authentic worship and the dangers of idolatry. 

What is Idolatry in Modern Times?

Idolatry isn't just about carved statues or ancient religious practices. As Dr. Martyn Lloyd Jones defines it, "an idol is anything that occupies a place in my life that should only be occupied by God." This can include:

  • Career success
  • Money and material possessions
  • Relationships
  • Social status
  • Control over circumstances 
How Do We Recognize Idols in Our Lives?

We can identify idols by examining our desires and priorities: 

  • What consumes our thoughts?
  • Where do we spend most of our time and money?
  • What do we rely on for security and happiness?
  • What causes us the most anxiety when threatened? 
The Consequences of False Worship

When we worship anything other than God, several consequences follow: 

  • Spiritual darkness and confusion
  • Twisted thinking and values
  • Unfulfilled desires
  • Separation from God's truth
  • Loss of true life and purpose
How Can We Return to True Worship?

The answer lies in the Gospel:

  • Recognize false idols in your life
  • Compare your desires against Gospel truth
  • Surrender control to God
  • Find satisfaction in Christ alone
  • Remove "high places" of false worship 
Life Application
This week, take these practical steps:
  • Examine your daily routines and priorities
  • Identify areas where created things have taken God's place
  • Surrender those areas to God in prayer
  • Replace idol worship with authentic worship of God 
Questions to consider:
  • What occupies most of your thoughts and energy?
  • Where do you find your identity and worth?
  • What would be hardest for you to give up if God asked?
  • How can you practically put God first in your daily decisions? 

Remember: True fulfillment comes only through worshiping God alone. Everything else we chase after is ultimately empty compared to the richness of knowing and worshiping Him.

Posted by Chris Clemons with

